CMA Scholarships

CMA Music Scholarship Opportunities

The Marjorie Spevak Music Scholarship

Marjorie Spevak was a long-time supporter of CMA, serving many years on its Board of Directors and contributing generously of her time and financial resources to ensure its success. Marjorie had a passion for education, having served for fifteen years on the Des Moines Public School Board and championing fine arts education in the schools.

In 2016, CMA established the Marjorie Spevak Music Scholarship to honor Marjorie by awarding scholarships annually to two students – one attending middle school and one attending high school – wishing to further pursue the study of music.


High School Scholarship (Grades 10-12)

Middle School Scholarship (Grades 6-9)

How it Works

The scholarship may be used toward expenses necessary for the student to advance their music study, including but not limited to: music lessons, instrument rental or purchase, or a summer music camp or program.

2025 Application

The Young Artist Scholarship & Excellence in Teaching Award 

CMA + Marian W. Sharp Revocable Trust 

A generous gift received from the Marian W. Sharp Revocable Trust in 2022 allows CMA to annually offer $7500 in scholarships and awards for four students and one exceptional teacher. 

Young Artist Scholarship

Presented annually to four students, two graduating high school and two currently in college, this scholarship is available to those who plan to further pursue the study of music.  


High School Scholarship
1st Prize $1500
2nd Prize $1000 

College Scholarship
1st Prize $1500
2nd Prize $1000 

How it Works

The scholarship may be used toward expenses necessary for the student to advance their music study, including but not limited to: music lessons, instrument rental or purchase, or a summer music camp or program. 

2025 Application

Excellence in Teaching Award

Presented annually to one exceptional teacher, this award is available to an Iowa K-12 music educator to assist with professional development opportunities. 


1st Prize $2500

How it Works

The award may be used toward fees and costs associated with the event(s)/project(s) as outlined in the proposal, including tuition, registration, travel, lodging, food, supplies, incidentals, etc. Funds must be used within one year of receipt. 

2025 Application

Applicants are eligible to win an award once in each category

CMA Young Artist Scholarship Recipients (College)

2024, 1st Place
Ruby Hummel
Junior Clarinet Player and Music Education Major, Drake University
2024, 2nd Place
Martin Hachmann
Freshman Bass Player and Music Education Major, UNI
2023, 1st Place
Megan Bennett
Sophomore Trumpet Player and Music Education Major, UNI
2023, 2nd Place
Courtney Johnson
Freshman Flute Player and Music Education Major, Drake University

CMA Young Artist Scholarship Recipients (High School)

2024, 1st Place
Ryleigh Pinion
Ankeny High School
2024, 2nd Place
Caleb Burke
Waukee Northwest High School
2023, 1st Place
Campbell Helton
Roosevelt High School
2023, 2nd Place
Marisa Cravero
West Des Moines Valley High School

CMA Excellence in Teaching Award

Jennifer Hillman
Perry Middle & High School 6-12 Choir Director
Brandon Waring
Iowa Falls-Alden CSD 6-12 Choir Director

Marjorie Spevak Music Scholarship Recipients

Annabelle Barrett
Winterset Middle School
Jacob Forney
Valley High School
Lilah Sidon
Merrill Middle School
Georgia LaBounty
Waukee High School
Minerva Cao
Waukee Middle School
Jack Stremlow
Davenport Central High School
Vivian Shanley
Cedar Rapids Washington High School. Used scholarship toward private lessons and summer camp.
Adalyn Sidon
Merrill Middle School. Used scholarship to attend music camp.
Zoe Podlich
Summit Middle School in Johnston, Iowa. Used scholarship to attend piano camps at Wartburg College and string camps at Des Moines Symphony Academy
Tyler Johnson
Eddyville Blakesburg Fremont High School. Used scholarship to purchase an accoustic-electric guitar and take lessons.
Jhoanna Hernandez
Harding Middle School. Used her scholarship to purchase a new trumpet.
Lucy Gannon
Waukee Middle School. Used her scholarship to purchase a new flute.
Beau Henson
Ames High School. Used his scholarship to help pay music school tuition.
Amara Door
Indian Hills Junior High. Used her scholarship to purchase a professional trumpet, to replace her student trumpet that frequently malfunctions.
Joanna Kim
Ames High School. Used her scholarship to pay tuition to attend the summer 2018 Boston University Tanglewood Institute Young Artists Orchestra camp.
Emma Mostek
Gilbert High School, saxophone. Used scholarship to repair father’s professional-grade saxophone to replace her student model.
Andrew Gersjik
Southeast Polk High School, percussion. Used scholarship to pay tuition at percussion and jazz combo workshops at Interlochen Center for the Arts and at the University of North Texas.
Avi Gedler
Stillwell Junior High School, viola and oboe. Used scholarship to purchase a new viola bow.

CMA Young Soloist Scholarship Recipients

Joshua Feldt, organ
Hugo Kaut, violin
Harbour Buchanan, oboe
Vivian Shanley, bass
Madeline Scheve, organ
Zach Dixon, piano
Bethany Kallio, horn
Daylen De Raad, piano